Battle the Trading Bots with ANTIBOT!

Battle the Trading Bots with ANTIBOT!

Battle the Trading Bots with ANTIBOT!

Battle the Trading Bots with ANTIBOT!

I've grown weary of fraudulent accounts and automated systems in the world of cryptocurrency. I will eradicate them utterly. I will become the guardian defender. Through captivating memes, impressive visuals, and the 😈 emoji, ANTIBOT serves as the people's barrier against unfair trading bots. Together, our voices will echo across social media, and our power will expand unceasingly far from billions in market cap, halting MEV/BOTs from undermining the gains of legitimate investors! This is my declaration, purpose, and whitepaper!

How to buy?

(Uniswap to be announced)


Life Before ANTIBOT: Stacks of Money and Smug Bot Owners

Life Before ANTIBOT: Stacks of Money and Smug Bot Owners

Life Before ANTIBOT: Stacks of Money and Smug Bot Owners

Life Before ANTIBOT: Stacks of Money and Smug Bot Owners





Bot owner
Bot owner
Bot owner
Bot owner

Robots Wreaked Chaos. Is this Fairness?

Robots Wreaked Chaos. Is this Fairness?

Unfair Advantage

Bots can execute trades in milliseconds, leaving humans behind.

Price Manipulation

Bots inflate prices with pump and dump schemes.


Bots place large orders, causing price slippage and chaos.

Front Running

Bots spot big orders and beat us to the punch.

Sandwich Attacks

Bots buy and sell around large transactions for profit.

The Answer

ANTIBOT, your bot-destroying champion, features a 4% automatic buy back on all sells and a giving back wallet to support the battle, returning profits to our holders

ANTIBOT, your bot-destroying champion, features a 4% automatic buy back on all sells and a giving back wallet to support the battle, returning profits to our holders

ANTIBOT Key Features

ANTIBOT Key Features

Audit & ERC20 Compliant

We play by the rules to beat those who don’t. We use contracts already AUDITED from OpenZeppelin

Automatic buy back system

4% buy back on every sell, take that, MEV bots & panic sellers! Gains will be stored in the ANTIBOT WALLET:


Community Driven

Power to the people, masive twitter raids fueled by community contests, down with the bots!

Giving back to community

ANTIBOT WALLET will be used. We'll utilize this fund to support ANTIBOT community's growth and foster competitions & tournaments

Life After ANTIBOT: Champions and 😈 Medals

Life After ANTIBOT: Champions and 😈 Medals

Life After ANTIBOT: Champions and 😈 Medals

Life After ANTIBOT: Champions and 😈 Medals





Bot owner
Bot owner
Bot owner
Bot owner


Stage 1

βœ… Twitter automation

βœ… Telegram setup

βœ… Webpage development

βœ… Whitepaper creation

βœ… Smart contract creation

βœ… Audit of the smart contract

βœ… Etherscan verification

πŸ”œ Community expansion for marketing efforts

πŸ—“ 300 Twitter real raiders

πŸ—“ Launch on PinkSale

πŸ—“ CoinMarketCap Fast tracking

πŸ—“ Trending on Dextools

Stage 2

πŸ—“ Massive community airdrop to celebrate the start of Stage 2

πŸ—“ 10 million market cap

πŸ—“ CEX Listing πŸ’Ό

πŸ—“ Burn party to reduce supply

πŸ—“ Twitter: 5000 followers

πŸ—“ Massive community airdrop to celebrate the start of Stage 2

πŸ—“ 10 million market cap

πŸ—“ CEX Listing πŸ’Ό

πŸ—“ Burn party to reduce supply

πŸ—“ Twitter: 5000 followers

Stage 3

πŸ—“ Growing the official Twitter account to 50k followers πŸš€

πŸ—“ Achieving a market cap of 300 million πŸ’°

πŸ—“ At this stage, we have achieved significant success and you are rich 😈

We promise to revisit the roadmap and implement additional stages to further enhance the project.

πŸ—“ Growing the official Twitter account to 50k followers πŸš€

πŸ—“ Achieving a market cap of 300 million πŸ’°

πŸ—“ At this stage, we have achieved significant success and you are rich 😈

We promise to revisit the roadmap and implement additional stages to further enhance the project.

Follow steps to join the 😈 ANTIBOT Contest Army

Follow steps to join the 😈 ANTIBOT Contest Army

(1) Establish a Twitter profile

(3) Post your ETH wallet address in the comments section of the featured tweet…

*Wallet address and twitter account cannot be repeated and will be used to verify you.
Follow the rules of the game.

How to succeed in RAID competitions and obtain weekly rewards?

Adhere to the guidelines above and like, comment, and retweet each official ANTIBOT tweet.

Rewards will be divided among everyone who follows these guidelines. Simple tasks!!

ANTIBOT Β© 2023, All Rights Reserved